let’s work together to uncover your personal strengths and build a healthy creative career

why work with me

  • I went to design school and graduated with a degree in graphics & communication design and the desire to freelance. That passion for freedom has always been a part of me. Working for myself has instilled years of learning the backend duties of running a business. Though I have almost always been a freelancer I have worked within small studios that gave me even more insights to learn from and responsibilities to own.

  • With the last name Smith, I was destined to explore a multiple areas of craft. I grew up drawing, then earned a degree in graphic design which led to the practice of branding, illustration, visual design, creative direction, and much more.

    Lately I have entered back into the analog world of art. Producing gallery exhibits, 12 public murals to date and many personal art pieces.

  • I love my town, neighbors and community. I believe in the joint effort of people and the amazing things that come out of collaboration. I want to see more people doing what they love and making a living with it. A happy neighbor is a good neighbor :)

  • Let’s face it, I’m just a nice guy. I have developed a patient attitude to the world and see the potential in most people. I care about the success of others and believe that those who are happy will create a better tomorrow for us all. I am passionate about helping others achieve their goals as I continually work on my own and fully realize many of them with gratitude.


reach out and let’s get the ball rolling